While Russ and I were dating we both owned separate homes. He had been meaning to update his bathroom for quite a while. But with any big project he would need to allow enough time and find other accommodations with it being the only bathroom in the house.
I decided, last minute, as in the day before he left, that I would renovate his bathroom while he was gone for the week. I told his mom and she jumped right in to help. After all, Russ learned how to use tools from his mom, so who better to help?!
We finshed the whole project in 7 days. Russ was supposed to come home on day 8 but around day 5 the guys told us they were going to come back a day early! So that put us in scramble mod and created a few really late nights.
I kept the project around $1000 with the biggest ticket item being the tub and tub surround. A new sink and counter top, toilet, and porcelain floor tile were some of the other budget eaters. We reused the cabinet above the toilet as well as the vanity cabinet where we used a glaze stain instead of regular stain to update them. The glaze stain was awesome because it didn’t require us to sand off the old finish. I would have really liked to tile the shower walls but we had no time. Plus we knew that he was going to sell his place within the year anyway and didn’t want to invest too much into the house. We just wanted to update it and fix the issues.
His reaction is priceless! Check out the video
I love surprises do you? If so, you may also like Russ’s birthday surprise!